
660 B

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Chapter 4: Adding an overlay 2023-09-15 4

NOTE: We shouldn't be instructing users to use an overlay to replace packages in bsc. until we have determined if we move them to the root attribute set first!

  inputs.jungle.url = "jungle";
  nixConfig.bash-prompt = "\[nix-develop\]$ ";

  outputs = { self, jungle }:  
    pkgs = jungle.outputs.packages.x86_64-linux;
    ovniDebug = pkgs.bsc.ovni.override { enableDebug = true; };
  in {
    devShells.x86_64-linux.default = pkgs.mkShell rec {
      pname = "my-shell";
      buildInputs = with pkgs.bsc; [
        ovniDebug osumb sonar