
94 lines
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This file contains an exhaustive list of events supported by the emulator.
- Punctual events don't produce a state transition.
- All events refer to the current thread.
- Descriptions must be kept short.
Please keep this list synchronized with the emulator code!
MCV = Model Category Value
MCV Description
--------------------- Ovni (model=O) -----------------------
OHC Creates a new thread (punctual event)
OHx Begins the execution
OHp Pauses the execution
OHc Enters the cooling state (about to be paused)
OHw Enters the warming state (about to be running)
OHe Ends the execution
OAs Switches it's own affinity to the given CPU
OAr Remotely switches the affinity of the given thread
OB. Emits a burst event to measure latency
-------------------- nOS-V (model=V) ----------------------
VTc Creates a new task (punctual event)
VTx Task execute
VTe Task end
VTp Task pause
VTr Task resume
VYc Task type create (punctual event)
VSr Receives a task from another thread (punctual event)
VSs Sends a task to another thread (punctual event)
VS@ Self-assigns itself a task (punctual event)
VSh Enters the hungry state, waiting for a task
VSf Is no longer hungry
VS[ Enters the scheduler server mode
VS] Ends the scheduler server mode
VU[ Starts to submit a task
VU] Ends the submission of a task
VM[ Starts allocating memory
VM] Ends allocating memory
VAs Enters nosv_submit()
VAS Exits nosv_submit()
VAp Enters nosv_pause()
VAP Exits nosv_pause()
VAy Enters nosv_yield()
VAY Exits nosv_yield()
VAw Enters nosv_waitfor()
VAW Exits nosv_waitfor()
VAc Enters nosv_schedpoint()
VAC Exits nosv_schedpoint()
VC[ Begins executing nosv code
VC] Ends executing nosv code
-------------------- TAMPI (model=T) ----------------------
TS[ Enters MPI_Send()
TS] Exits MPI_Send()
TR[ Enters MPI_Recv()
TR] Exits MPI_Recv()
Ts[ Enters MPI_Isend()
Ts] Exits MPI_Isend()
Tr[ Enters MPI_Irecv()
Tr] Exits MPI_Irecv()
TV[ Enters MPI_Wait()
TV] Exits MPI_Wait()
TW[ Enters MPI_Waitall()
TW] Exits MPI_Waitall()
-------------------- OpenMP (model=M) ----------------------
MT[ Task begins
MT] Task ends
MP] Parallel region begins
MP[ Parallel region ends