All task-related events now require the body id as argument. Additionally, in nOS-V, nested tasks require the parents to be paused.
111 lines
2.5 KiB
111 lines
2.5 KiB
/* Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "compat.h"
#include "emu_prv.h"
#include "instr_nosv.h"
#include "ovni.h"
/* Number of CPUs per loom, also number of threads per loom */
#define N 2
/* This test executes two apps in two segments of nOS-V, each segment has 2
* CPUs, with 2 in total. */
int rank = atoi(getenv("OVNI_RANK"));
int nranks = atoi(getenv("OVNI_NRANKS"));
if (nranks != 4)
die("this tests requires 4 ranks");
int app = rank / N;
char loom[128];
if (snprintf(loom, 128, "loom.%04d", app) >= 128)
die("snprintf failed");
ovni_proc_init(1 + app, loom, getpid());
ovni_proc_set_rank(rank, nranks);
/* Leader of the segment, must emit CPUs */
if (rank % N == 0) {
int cpus[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
cpus[i] = app * N + i;
ovni_add_cpu(i, cpus[i]);
int nlooms = nranks / N;
int lcpu = rank % N;
instr_thread_execute(lcpu, -1, 0);
uint32_t typeid = 1;
instr_nosv_task_create(1, typeid);
instr_nosv_task_execute(1, 0);
instr_nosv_task_end(1, 0);
char pname[128];
sprintf(pname, "", rank);
FILE *p = fopen(pname, "w");
if (p == NULL)
die("fopen failed:");
/* Check the value of the rank and app id of each process is
* placed in the proper row (keep in mind the virtual CPU). */
int row = 1 + rank + app;
/* TODO: we cannot use the delta clock in all the ranks, as it
* needs to be corrected to the delta of the first rank. For
* now we simply search for the event in the proper row. */
fprintf(p, "grep '%d:[0-9]*:%d:%d$' ovni/cpu.prv\n",
row, PRV_NOSV_APPID, 1 + app); /* Starts at 1 */
fprintf(p, "grep '%d:[0-9]*:%d:%d$' ovni/cpu.prv\n",
row, PRV_NOSV_RANK, 1 + rank); /* Starts at 1 */
/* Only the rank 0 writes the cpu script */
if (rank != 0)
return 0;
FILE *c = fopen("cpus", "w");
if (c == NULL)
die("fopen failed:");
/* Check that there are exactly 6 rows: two groups of 2 CPUs and
* 1 vCPU. */
for (int l = 0; l < nlooms; l++) {
for (int i = l * N; i < (l + 1) * N ; i++) {
fprintf(c, " CPU %d.%d\n", l, i);
fprintf(c, "vCPU %d.*\n", l);
FILE *f = fopen("", "w");
if (f == NULL)
die("fopen failed:");
fprintf(f, "grep 'CPU' ovni/cpu.row | diff -y cpus -\n");
return 0;