#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200112L #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ovni.h" #include "ovni_trace.h" #include "emu.h" #include "prv.h" #include "pcf.h" /* Obtains the corrected clock of the given event */ int64_t evclock(struct ovni_stream *stream, struct ovni_ev *ev) { return (int64_t) ovni_ev_get_clock(ev) + stream->clock_offset; } static void emit_ev(struct ovni_stream *stream, struct ovni_ev *ev) { int64_t delta; uint64_t clock; int i, payloadsize; //dbg("sizeof(*ev) = %d\n", sizeof(*ev)); //hexdump((uint8_t *) ev, sizeof(*ev)); clock = evclock(stream, ev); delta = clock - stream->lastclock; dbg("%d.%d.%d %c %c %c % 20lu % 15ld ", stream->loom, stream->proc, stream->tid, ev->header.model, ev->header.class, ev->header.value, clock, delta); payloadsize = ovni_payload_size(ev); for(i=0; ipayload.u8[i]); } dbg("\n"); stream->lastclock = clock; } void emu_emit(struct ovni_emu *emu) { emit_ev(emu->cur_stream, emu->cur_ev); } struct ovni_ethread * find_thread(struct ovni_eproc *proc, pid_t tid) { int i; struct ovni_ethread *thread; for(i=0; inthreads; i++) { thread = &proc->thread[i]; if(thread->tid == tid) return thread; } return NULL; } static void hook_pre(struct ovni_emu *emu) { //emu_emit(emu); switch(emu->cur_ev->header.model) { case 'O': hook_pre_ovni(emu); break; case 'V': hook_pre_nosv(emu); break; case '*': hook_pre_nosv(emu); break; default: break; } } static void hook_emit(struct ovni_emu *emu) { //emu_emit(emu); switch(emu->cur_ev->header.model) { case 'O': hook_emit_ovni(emu); break; case 'V': hook_emit_nosv(emu); break; case '*': hook_emit_nosv(emu); break; default: //dbg("unknown model %c\n", emu->cur_ev->model); break; } } static void hook_post(struct ovni_emu *emu) { //emu_emit(emu); switch(emu->cur_ev->header.model) { case 'O': hook_post_ovni(emu); break; case 'V': hook_post_nosv(emu); break; case '*': hook_post_nosv(emu); break; default: //dbg("unknown model %c\n", emu->cur_ev->model); break; } } static void set_current(struct ovni_emu *emu, struct ovni_stream *stream) { emu->cur_stream = stream; emu->cur_ev = stream->cur_ev; emu->cur_loom = &emu->trace.loom[stream->loom]; emu->cur_proc = &emu->cur_loom->proc[stream->proc]; emu->cur_thread = &emu->cur_proc->thread[stream->thread]; } static int next_event(struct ovni_emu *emu) { int i, f; uint64_t minclock; struct ovni_ev *ev; struct ovni_stream *stream; struct ovni_trace *trace; static int done_first = 0; trace = &emu->trace; /* Look for virtual events first */ if(trace->ivirtual < trace->nvirtual) { emu->cur_ev = &trace->virtual_events[trace->ivirtual]; trace->ivirtual++; return 0; } else { /* Reset virtual events to 0 */ trace->ivirtual = 0; trace->nvirtual = 0; } f = -1; minclock = 0; /* TODO: use a heap */ /* Select next event based on the clock */ for(i=0; instreams; i++) { stream = &trace->stream[i]; if(!stream->active) continue; ev = stream->cur_ev; if(f < 0 || evclock(stream, ev) < minclock) { f = i; minclock = evclock(stream, ev); } } if(f < 0) return -1; /* We have a valid stream with a new event */ stream = &trace->stream[f]; set_current(emu, stream); if(emu->lastclock > evclock(stream, stream->cur_ev)) { fprintf(stdout, "warning: backwards jump in time %lu -> %lu\n", emu->lastclock, evclock(stream, stream->cur_ev)); } emu->lastclock = evclock(stream, stream->cur_ev); if(!done_first) { done_first = 1; emu->firstclock = emu->lastclock; } emu->delta_time = emu->lastclock - emu->firstclock; return 0; } static void emulate(struct ovni_emu *emu) { int i; struct ovni_ev ev; struct ovni_stream *stream; struct ovni_trace *trace; /* Load events */ trace = &emu->trace; for(i=0; instreams; i++) { stream = &trace->stream[i]; ovni_load_next_event(stream); } emu->lastclock = 0; /* Then process all events */ while(next_event(emu) == 0) { //fprintf(stdout, "step %i\n", i); hook_pre(emu); hook_emit(emu); hook_post(emu); /* Read the next event if no virtual events exist */ if(emu->trace.ivirtual == emu->trace.nvirtual) ovni_load_next_event(emu->cur_stream); } } struct ovni_ethread * emu_get_thread(struct ovni_eproc *proc, int tid) { int i; struct ovni_ethread *thread; for(i=0; inthreads; i++) { thread = &proc->thread[i]; if(thread->tid == tid) return thread; } return NULL; } static void add_new_cpu(struct ovni_emu *emu, struct ovni_loom *loom, int i, int phyid) { /* The logical id must match our index */ assert(i == loom->ncpus); assert(loom->cpu[i].state == CPU_ST_UNKNOWN); loom->cpu[loom->ncpus].state = CPU_ST_READY; loom->cpu[loom->ncpus].i = i; loom->cpu[loom->ncpus].phyid = phyid; loom->cpu[loom->ncpus].gindex = emu->total_cpus++; dbg("new cpu %d at phyid=%d\n", i, phyid); loom->ncpus++; } void proc_load_cpus(struct ovni_emu *emu, struct ovni_loom *loom, struct ovni_eproc *proc) { JSON_Array *cpuarray; JSON_Object *cpu; JSON_Object *meta; int i, index, phyid; meta = json_value_get_object(proc->meta); assert(meta); cpuarray = json_object_get_array(meta, "cpus"); /* This process doesn't have the cpu list */ if(cpuarray == NULL) return; assert(loom->ncpus == 0); for(i = 0; i < json_array_get_count(cpuarray); i++) { cpu = json_array_get_object(cpuarray, i); index = (int) json_object_get_number(cpu, "index"); phyid = (int) json_object_get_number(cpu, "phyid"); add_new_cpu(emu, loom, index, phyid); } } /* Obtain CPUs in the metadata files and other data */ static int load_metadata(struct ovni_emu *emu) { int i, j, k, s; struct ovni_loom *loom; struct ovni_eproc *proc; struct ovni_ethread *thread; struct ovni_stream *stream; struct ovni_trace *trace; trace = &emu->trace; for(i=0; inlooms; i++) { loom = &trace->loom[i]; loom->offset_ncpus = emu->total_cpus; for(j=0; jnprocs; j++) { proc = &loom->proc[j]; proc_load_cpus(emu, loom, proc); } /* One of the process must have the list of CPUs */ /* FIXME: The CPU list should be at the loom dir */ assert(loom->ncpus > 0); } return 0; } static int destroy_metadata(struct ovni_emu *emu) { int i, j, k, s; struct ovni_loom *loom; struct ovni_eproc *proc; struct ovni_ethread *thread; struct ovni_stream *stream; struct ovni_trace *trace; trace = &emu->trace; for(i=0; inlooms; i++) { loom = &trace->loom[i]; for(j=0; jnprocs; j++) { proc = &loom->proc[j]; assert(proc->meta); json_value_free(proc->meta); } } return 0; } static void open_prvs(struct ovni_emu *emu, char *tracedir) { char path[PATH_MAX]; sprintf(path, "%s/%s", tracedir, "thread.prv"); emu->prv_thread = fopen(path, "w"); if(emu->prv_thread == NULL) abort(); sprintf(path, "%s/%s", tracedir, "cpu.prv"); emu->prv_cpu = fopen(path, "w"); if(emu->prv_cpu == NULL) abort(); prv_header(emu->prv_thread, emu->trace.nstreams); prv_header(emu->prv_cpu, emu->total_cpus + 1); } static void open_pcfs(struct ovni_emu *emu, char *tracedir) { char path[PATH_MAX]; sprintf(path, "%s/%s", tracedir, "thread.pcf"); emu->pcf_thread = fopen(path, "w"); if(emu->pcf_thread == NULL) abort(); sprintf(path, "%s/%s", tracedir, "cpu.pcf"); emu->pcf_cpu = fopen(path, "w"); if(emu->pcf_cpu == NULL) abort(); } static void close_prvs(struct ovni_emu *emu) { fclose(emu->prv_thread); fclose(emu->prv_cpu); } static void close_pcfs(struct ovni_emu *emu) { fclose(emu->pcf_thread); fclose(emu->pcf_cpu); } static void usage(int argc, char *argv[]) { err("Usage: emu [-c offsetfile] tracedir\n"); err("\n"); err("Options:\n"); err(" -c offsetfile Use the given offset file to correct\n"); err(" the clocks among nodes. It can be\n"); err(" generated by the ovnisync program\n"); err("\n"); err(" tracedir The output trace dir generated by ovni.\n"); err("\n"); err("The output PRV files are placed in the tracedir directory.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } static void parse_args(struct ovni_emu *emu, int argc, char *argv[]) { int opt; while((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "c:")) != -1) { switch(opt) { case 'c': emu->clock_offset_file = optarg; break; default: /* '?' */ usage(argc, argv); } } if(optind >= argc) { err("missing tracedir\n"); usage(argc, argv); } emu->tracedir = argv[optind]; } static struct ovni_loom * find_loom_by_hostname(struct ovni_emu *emu, char *host) { int i; struct ovni_loom *loom; for(i=0; itrace.nlooms; i++) { loom = &emu->trace.loom[i]; if(strcmp(loom->hostname, host) == 0) return loom; } return NULL; } static void load_clock_offsets(struct ovni_emu *emu) { FILE *f; char buf[1024]; int i, rank, ret; double offset, mean, std; char host[OVNI_MAX_HOSTNAME]; struct ovni_loom *loom; struct ovni_trace *trace; struct ovni_stream *stream; f = fopen(emu->clock_offset_file, "r"); if(f == NULL) { perror("fopen clock offset file failed\n"); abort(); } /* Ignore header line */ if(fgets(buf, 1024, f) == NULL) { perror("fgets failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while(1) { errno = 0; ret = fscanf(f, "%d %s %lf %lf %lf", &rank, host, &offset, &mean, &std); if(ret == EOF) { if(errno != 0) { perror("fscanf failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; } if(ret != 5) { err("fscanf read %d instead of 5 fields in %s\n", ret, emu->clock_offset_file); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } loom = find_loom_by_hostname(emu, host); if(loom == NULL) { err("No loom has hostname %s\n", host); abort(); } if(loom->clock_offset != 0) { err("warning: loom at host %s already has a clock offset\n", host); } loom->clock_offset = (int64_t) offset; } /* Then populate the stream offsets */ trace = &emu->trace; for(i=0; instreams; i++) { stream = &trace->stream[i]; loom = &trace->loom[stream->loom]; stream->clock_offset = loom->clock_offset; } fclose(f); } static void write_row_cpu(struct ovni_emu *emu) { FILE *f; int i, j; char path[PATH_MAX]; struct ovni_loom *loom; struct ovni_cpu *cpu; sprintf(path, "%s/%s", emu->tracedir, "cpu.row"); f = fopen(path, "w"); if(f == NULL) { perror("cannot open row file"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } fprintf(f, "LEVEL NODE SIZE 1\n"); fprintf(f, "hostname\n"); fprintf(f, "\n"); /* Add an extra row for the virtual CPU */ fprintf(f, "LEVEL THREAD SIZE %d\n", emu->total_cpus + 1); for(i=0; itrace.nlooms; i++) { loom = &emu->trace.loom[i]; for(j=0; jncpus; j++) { cpu = &loom->cpu[j]; fprintf(f, "CPU %d.%d\n", i, cpu->i); } } fprintf(f, "UNSET\n"); fclose(f); } static int emu_virtual_init(struct ovni_emu *emu) { struct ovni_trace *trace; trace = &emu->trace; trace->ivirtual = 0; trace->nvirtual = 0; trace->virtual_events = calloc(MAX_VIRTUAL_EVENTS, sizeof(struct ovni_ev)); if(trace->virtual_events == NULL) { perror("calloc"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return 0; } void emu_virtual_ev(struct ovni_emu *emu, char *mcv) { struct ovni_trace *trace; struct ovni_ev *ev; trace = &emu->trace; if(trace->nvirtual >= MAX_VIRTUAL_EVENTS) { err("too many virtual events\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ev = &trace->virtual_events[trace->nvirtual]; ev->header.flags = 0; ev->header.model = mcv[0]; ev->header.class = mcv[1]; ev->header.value = mcv[2]; ev->header.clock = emu->cur_ev->header.clock; trace->nvirtual++; } static void emu_init(struct ovni_emu *emu, int argc, char *argv[]) { memset(emu, 0, sizeof(*emu)); parse_args(emu, argc, argv); if(ovni_load_trace(&emu->trace, emu->tracedir)) abort(); if(emu_virtual_init(emu)) abort(); if(ovni_load_streams(&emu->trace)) abort(); if(load_metadata(emu) != 0) abort(); if(emu->clock_offset_file != NULL) load_clock_offsets(emu); open_prvs(emu, emu->tracedir); open_pcfs(emu, emu->tracedir); } static void emu_post(struct ovni_emu *emu) { /* Write the PCF files */ pcf_write(emu->pcf_thread); pcf_write(emu->pcf_cpu); write_row_cpu(emu); } static void emu_destroy(struct ovni_emu *emu) { close_prvs(emu); close_pcfs(emu); destroy_metadata(emu); ovni_free_streams(&emu->trace); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct ovni_emu *emu; emu = malloc(sizeof(struct ovni_emu)); if(emu == NULL) { perror("malloc"); return 1; } emu_init(emu, argc, argv); emulate(emu); emu_post(emu); emu_destroy(emu); free(emu); return 0; }