/* Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ #include "trace.h" #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static int find_dir_prefix_str(const char *dirname, const char *prefix, const char **str) { const char *p = dirname; /* Check the prefix */ if (strncmp(p, prefix, strlen(prefix)) != 0) return -1; p += strlen(prefix); /* Find the dot */ if (*p != '.') return -1; p++; if (str) *str = p; return 0; } static int find_dir_prefix_int(const char *dirname, const char *prefix, int *num) { const char *p = NULL; if (find_dir_prefix_str(dirname, prefix, &p) != 0) return -1; /* Convert the suffix string to a number */ *num = atoi(p); return 0; } static size_t count_dir_prefix(DIR *dir, const char *prefix) { struct dirent *dirent; size_t n = 0; while ((dirent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { if (find_dir_prefix_str(dirent->d_name, prefix, NULL) != 0) continue; n++; } return n; } static int load_thread(struct ovni_ethread *thread, struct ovni_eproc *proc, int index, int tid, char *filepath) { static int total_threads = 0; thread->tid = tid; thread->index = index; thread->gindex = total_threads++; thread->state = TH_ST_UNKNOWN; thread->proc = proc; if (strlen(filepath) >= PATH_MAX) { err("filepath too large: %s\n", filepath); return -1; } strcpy(thread->tracefile, filepath); return 0; } static void load_proc_metadata(struct ovni_eproc *proc, int *rank_enabled) { JSON_Object *meta = json_value_get_object(proc->meta); if (meta == NULL) die("load_proc_metadata: json_value_get_object() failed\n"); JSON_Value *appid_val = json_object_get_value(meta, "app_id"); if (appid_val == NULL) die("process %d is missing app_id in metadata\n", proc->pid); proc->appid = (int) json_number(appid_val); JSON_Value *rank_val = json_object_get_value(meta, "rank"); if (rank_val != NULL) { proc->rank = (int) json_number(rank_val); *rank_enabled = 1; } else { proc->rank = -1; } } static void check_metadata_version(struct ovni_eproc *proc) { JSON_Object *meta = json_value_get_object(proc->meta); if (meta == NULL) die("check_metadata_version: json_value_get_object() failed\n"); JSON_Value *version_val = json_object_get_value(meta, "version"); if (version_val == NULL) { die("process %d is missing attribute \"version\" in metadata\n", proc->pid); } int version = (int) json_number(version_val); if (version != OVNI_METADATA_VERSION) { die("pid %d: metadata version mismatch %d (expected %d)\n", proc->pid, version, OVNI_METADATA_VERSION); } JSON_Value *mversion_val = json_object_get_value(meta, "model_version"); if (mversion_val == NULL) { die("process %d is missing attribute \"model_version\" in metadata\n", proc->pid); } const char *mversion = json_string(mversion_val); if (strcmp(mversion, OVNI_MODEL_VERSION) != 0) { die("pid %d: metadata model version mismatch '%s' (expected '%s')\n", proc->pid, mversion, OVNI_MODEL_VERSION); } } static int compare_int(const void *a, const void *b) { int aa = *(const int *) a; int bb = *(const int *) b; if (aa < bb) return -1; else if (aa > bb) return +1; else return 0; } static void check_metadata_version(struct ovni_eproc *proc) { JSON_Object *meta = json_value_get_object(proc->meta); if (meta == NULL) die("check_metadata_version: json_value_get_object() failed\n"); JSON_Value *version_val = json_object_get_value(meta, "version"); if (version_val == NULL) { die("process %d is missing attribute \"version\" in metadata\n", proc->pid); } int version = (int) json_number(version_val); if (version != OVNI_METADATA_VERSION) { die("pid %d: metadata version mismatch %d (expected %d)\n", proc->pid, version, OVNI_METADATA_VERSION); } JSON_Value *mversion_val = json_object_get_value(meta, "model_version"); if (mversion_val == NULL) { die("process %d is missing attribute \"model_version\" in metadata\n", proc->pid); } const char *mversion = json_string(mversion_val); if (strcmp(mversion, OVNI_MODEL_VERSION) != 0) { die("pid %d: metadata model version mismatch '%s' (expected '%s')\n", proc->pid, mversion, OVNI_MODEL_VERSION); } } static int load_proc(struct ovni_eproc *proc, struct ovni_loom *loom, int index, int pid, char *procdir) { static int total_procs = 0; proc->pid = pid; proc->index = index; proc->gindex = total_procs++; proc->loom = loom; char path[PATH_MAX]; if (snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", procdir, "metadata.json") >= PATH_MAX) { err("snprintf: path too large: %s\n", procdir); abort(); } proc->meta = json_parse_file_with_comments(path); if (proc->meta == NULL) { err("error loading metadata from %s\n", path); return -1; } check_metadata_version(proc); /* The appid is populated from the metadata */ load_proc_metadata(proc, &loom->rank_enabled); DIR *dir; if ((dir = opendir(procdir)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "opendir %s failed: %s\n", procdir, strerror(errno)); return -1; } proc->nthreads = count_dir_prefix(dir, "thread"); if (proc->nthreads <= 0) { err("cannot find any thread for process %d\n", proc->pid); return -1; } proc->thread = calloc(proc->nthreads, sizeof(struct ovni_ethread)); if (proc->thread == NULL) { perror("calloc failed"); return -1; } int *tids; if ((tids = calloc(proc->nthreads, sizeof(int))) == NULL) { perror("calloc failed\n"); return -1; } rewinddir(dir); for (size_t i = 0; i < proc->nthreads;) { struct dirent *dirent = readdir(dir); if (dirent == NULL) { err("inconsistent: readdir returned NULL\n"); return -1; } if (find_dir_prefix_int(dirent->d_name, "thread", &tids[i]) != 0) continue; i++; } closedir(dir); /* Sort threads by ascending TID */ qsort(tids, proc->nthreads, sizeof(int), compare_int); for (size_t i = 0; i < proc->nthreads; i++) { int tid = tids[i]; if (snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "%s/thread.%d", procdir, tid) >= PATH_MAX) { err("snprintf: path too large: %s\n", procdir); abort(); } struct ovni_ethread *thread = &proc->thread[i]; if (load_thread(thread, proc, i, tid, path) != 0) return -1; } free(tids); return 0; } static int load_loom(struct ovni_loom *loom, char *loomdir) { DIR *dir = NULL; if ((dir = opendir(loomdir)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "opendir %s failed: %s\n", loomdir, strerror(errno)); return -1; } loom->rank_enabled = 0; loom->nprocs = count_dir_prefix(dir, "proc"); if (loom->nprocs <= 0) { err("cannot find any process directory in loom %s\n", loom->hostname); return -1; } loom->proc = calloc(loom->nprocs, sizeof(struct ovni_eproc)); if (loom->proc == NULL) { perror("calloc failed"); return -1; } rewinddir(dir); size_t i = 0; struct dirent *dirent = NULL; while ((dirent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { int pid; if (find_dir_prefix_int(dirent->d_name, "proc", &pid) != 0) continue; if (i >= loom->nprocs) { err("more process than expected\n"); abort(); } struct ovni_eproc *proc = &loom->proc[i]; if (snprintf(proc->dir, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", loomdir, dirent->d_name) >= PATH_MAX) { err("error: process dir name %s too long\n", dirent->d_name); return -1; } if (load_proc(&loom->proc[i], loom, i, pid, proc->dir) != 0) return -1; i++; } if (i != loom->nprocs) { err("unexpected number of processes\n"); abort(); } closedir(dir); /* Ensure all process have the rank, if enabled in any */ if (loom->rank_enabled) { for (i = 0; i < loom->nprocs; i++) { struct ovni_eproc *proc = &loom->proc[i]; if (proc->rank < 0) { die("process %d is missing the rank\n", proc->pid); } } } return 0; } static int compare_looms(const void *a, const void *b) { struct ovni_loom *la = (struct ovni_loom *) a; struct ovni_loom *lb = (struct ovni_loom *) b; return strcmp(la->dname, lb->dname); } static void loom_to_host(const char *loom_name, char *host, int n) { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { /* Copy until dot or end */ if (loom_name[i] != '.' && loom_name[i] != '\0') host[i] = loom_name[i]; else break; } if (i == n) die("loom host name %s too long\n", loom_name); host[i] = '\0'; } int ovni_load_trace(struct ovni_trace *trace, char *tracedir) { DIR *dir = NULL; if ((dir = opendir(tracedir)) == NULL) { err("opendir %s failed: %s\n", tracedir, strerror(errno)); return -1; } trace->nlooms = count_dir_prefix(dir, "loom"); if (trace->nlooms == 0) { err("cannot find any loom in %s\n", tracedir); return -1; } trace->loom = calloc(trace->nlooms, sizeof(struct ovni_loom)); if (trace->loom == NULL) { perror("calloc failed\n"); return -1; } rewinddir(dir); size_t l = 0; struct dirent *dirent = NULL; while ((dirent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { struct ovni_loom *loom = &trace->loom[l]; const char *loom_name; if (find_dir_prefix_str(dirent->d_name, "loom", &loom_name) != 0) { /* Ignore other files in tracedir */ continue; } if (l >= trace->nlooms) { err("extra loom detected\n"); return -1; } /* Copy the complete loom directory name to looms */ if (snprintf(loom->dname, PATH_MAX, "%s", dirent->d_name) >= PATH_MAX) { err("error: loom name %s too long\n", dirent->d_name); return -1; } l++; } closedir(dir); /* Sort the looms, so we get the hostnames in alphanumeric order */ qsort(trace->loom, trace->nlooms, sizeof(struct ovni_loom), compare_looms); for (size_t i = 0; i < trace->nlooms; i++) { struct ovni_loom *loom = &trace->loom[i]; const char *name = NULL; if (find_dir_prefix_str(loom->dname, "loom", &name) != 0) { err("error: mismatch for loom %s\n", loom->dname); return -1; } loom_to_host(name, loom->hostname, sizeof(loom->hostname)); if (snprintf(loom->path, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", tracedir, loom->dname) >= PATH_MAX) { err("error: loom path %s/%s too long\n", tracedir, loom->dname); return -1; } if (load_loom(loom, loom->path) != 0) return -1; } return 0; } static int check_stream_header(struct ovni_stream *stream) { int ret = 0; if (stream->size < sizeof(struct ovni_stream_header)) { err("stream %d: incomplete stream header\n", stream->tid); return -1; } struct ovni_stream_header *h = (struct ovni_stream_header *) stream->buf; if (memcmp(h->magic, OVNI_STREAM_MAGIC, 4) != 0) { char magic[5]; memcpy(magic, h->magic, 4); magic[4] = '\0'; err("stream %d: wrong stream magic '%s' (expected '%s')\n", stream->tid, magic, OVNI_STREAM_MAGIC); ret = -1; } if (h->version != OVNI_STREAM_VERSION) { err("stream %d: stream version mismatch %u (expected %u)\n", stream->tid, h->version, OVNI_STREAM_VERSION); ret = -1; } return ret; } static int load_stream_fd(struct ovni_stream *stream, int fd) { struct stat st; if (fstat(fd, &st) < 0) { perror("fstat failed"); return -1; } /* Error because it doesn't have the header */ if (st.st_size == 0) { err("stream %d is empty\n", stream->tid); return -1; } int prot = PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE; stream->buf = mmap(NULL, st.st_size, prot, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0); if (stream->buf == MAP_FAILED) { perror("mmap failed"); return -1; } stream->size = st.st_size; return 0; } static int load_stream_buf(struct ovni_stream *stream, struct ovni_ethread *thread) { int fd; if ((fd = open(thread->tracefile, O_RDWR)) == -1) { perror("open failed"); return -1; } if (load_stream_fd(stream, fd) != 0) return -1; if (check_stream_header(stream) != 0) { err("stream %d: bad header\n", stream->tid); return -1; } stream->offset = sizeof(struct ovni_stream_header); if (stream->offset == stream->size) stream->active = 0; else stream->active = 1; /* No need to keep the fd open */ if (close(fd)) { perror("close failed"); return -1; } return 0; } /* Populates the streams in a single array */ int ovni_load_streams(struct ovni_trace *trace) { trace->nstreams = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < trace->nlooms; i++) { struct ovni_loom *loom = &trace->loom[i]; for (size_t j = 0; j < loom->nprocs; j++) { struct ovni_eproc *proc = &loom->proc[j]; for (size_t k = 0; k < proc->nthreads; k++) { trace->nstreams++; } } } trace->stream = calloc(trace->nstreams, sizeof(struct ovni_stream)); if (trace->stream == NULL) { perror("calloc failed"); return -1; } err("loaded %ld streams\n", trace->nstreams); size_t s = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < trace->nlooms; i++) { struct ovni_loom *loom = &trace->loom[i]; for (size_t j = 0; j < loom->nprocs; j++) { struct ovni_eproc *proc = &loom->proc[j]; for (size_t k = 0; k < proc->nthreads; k++) { struct ovni_ethread *thread = &proc->thread[k]; struct ovni_stream *stream = &trace->stream[s++]; stream->tid = thread->tid; stream->thread = thread; stream->proc = proc; stream->loom = loom; stream->lastclock = 0; stream->offset = 0; stream->cur_ev = NULL; if (load_stream_buf(stream, thread) != 0) { err("load_stream_buf failed\n"); return -1; } } } } return 0; } void ovni_free_streams(struct ovni_trace *trace) { for (size_t i = 0; i < trace->nstreams; i++) { struct ovni_stream *stream = &trace->stream[i]; if (munmap(stream->buf, stream->size) != 0) die("munmap stream failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } free(trace->stream); } void ovni_free_trace(struct ovni_trace *trace) { for (size_t i = 0; i < trace->nlooms; i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < trace->loom[i].nprocs; j++) { free(trace->loom[i].proc[j].thread); } free(trace->loom[i].proc); } free(trace->loom); } int ovni_load_next_event(struct ovni_stream *stream) { if (stream->active == 0) { dbg("stream is inactive, cannot load more events\n"); return -1; } /* Only step the offset if we have load an event */ if (stream->cur_ev != NULL) stream->offset += ovni_ev_size(stream->cur_ev); /* It cannot overflow, otherwise we are reading garbage */ if (stream->offset > stream->size) die("ovni_load_next_event: stream offset exceeds size\n"); /* We have reached the end */ if (stream->offset == stream->size) { stream->active = 0; stream->cur_ev = NULL; dbg("stream %d runs out of events\n", stream->tid); return -1; } stream->cur_ev = (struct ovni_ev *) &stream->buf[stream->offset]; return 0; }