Update journal with PLIC experiments

This commit is contained in:
Rodrigo Arias 2024-08-01 19:29:04 +02:00
parent eee26f2b4d
commit cd7eb7179f

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@ -2588,4 +2588,669 @@ This one yes:
[ 165.066220] mm_page_alloc: page=(____ptrval____) pfn=0x83d28 order=2 migratetype=0 gfp_flags=GFP_KERNEL
[ 165.066540] console: mm_page_alloc: page=(____ptrval____) pfn=0x83d28 order=2 migratetype=0 gfp_flags=GFP_KERNEL
## 2024-08-01
Now that we have a new bitstream with a CLINT connected to a PLIC input, we may
be able to generate an interrupt.
Here is the comment where I gather the pieces:
From https://gitlab.bsc.es/hwdesign/rtl/core-tile/sa-fpga/ I can see that the
auxiliary timer [is in fact another
I don't have access to the [hlib
repository](https://gitlab.bsc.es/hwdesign/hlib.git) (@jmendoza can I get access
to it?) to see the CLINT definition, but based on [this
and [this one](https://github.com/pulp-platform/clint/blob/master/src/clint.sv)
I can estimate some of the previous information:
> - The information on which port number of the PLIC the timer is connected to.
plic #(
) plic_inst (
.clk_i (clk_i),
.rstn_i (reset),
.irq_sources_i ({plic_timer_eirq,eth_irq,uart1_irq}),
.eip_targets_o (irq),
If I read it from right to left starting at 1, it should be **at 4**, as the
`eth_irq` has two "wires".
> - The memory address of the timer and the mapped registers, so I can see it
> increasing its value. I think the `aux_timer` you had in the past would be
> fine.
//Size: 64KB
`define AUX_TIMER_BASE_ADDR 64'h0000_0000_4001_0000 // Need to be this space because we use a clint as aux timer
`define AUX_TIMER_END_ADDR 64'h0000_0000_4001_FFFF
> - The specific operations I need to do in machine mode to configure the timer
> to fire at 1 Hz (probably setting two registers).
Based on the source of the CLINT, **only one interrupt will be generated** after
setting the mtimecmp register to something larger than the mtime register. Then
I suspect I would have to make the interrupt run some code to rearm it again by
modifying the mtimecmp register to some value in the future:
// -----------------------------
// IRQ Generation
// -----------------------------
// The mtime register has a 64-bit precision on all RV32, RV64, and RV128 systems. Platforms provide a 64-bit
// memory-mapped machine-mode timer compare register (mtimecmp), which causes a timer interrupt to be posted when the
// mtime register contains a value greater than or equal (mtime >= mtimecmp) to the value in the mtimecmp register.
// The interrupt remains posted until it is cleared by writing the mtimecmp register. The interrupt will only be taken
// if interrupts are enabled and the MTIE bit is set in the mie register.
always_comb begin : irq_gen
// check that the mtime cmp register is set to a meaningful value
for (int unsigned i = 0; i < NR_CORES; i++) begin
if (mtime_q >= mtimecmp_q[i]) begin
timer_irq_o[i] = 1'b1;
end else begin
timer_irq_o[i] = 1'b0;
I could ensure that an interrupt has been fired by reading the mtime and
mtimecmp values, and checking that mtime > mtimecmp.
Now I only need to find a bitstream that has been generated with
This may work:
> Submodule path 'sa-fpga': checked out '12b77cb50cf1c416f107d4c7ab1c52d7b5e59056'
Which is based on fpga-shell https://gitlab.bsc.es/hwdesign/fpga/integration-lab/fpga-shell/-/commit/01265d197f256bce2c7e82d21c7f4bf5dcb44e68
Here is the bitstream job: https://gitlab.bsc.es/hwdesign/fpga/integration-lab/fpga-shell/-/jobs/968585
And the bitstream: [artifacts.zip](/uploads/d8240a779cd485771b9e3d0147e342d1/artifacts.zip)
And full log: [job.log](/uploads/a4215e4d039065b77f7a2d2b1403e475/job.log)
The memory map would need a bit of adjustment in the device tree, but to play with the timer in machine mode not much is needed.
I think I have all the pieces now.
I will try with the last bitstream that I already had compiled, as I will have
to rebuild the required packages in nix.
To compute the memory position of the registers:
`define AUX_TIMER_BASE_ADDR 64'h0000_0000_4001_0000 // Need to be this space because we use a clint as aux timer
`define AUX_TIMER_END_ADDR 64'h0000_0000_4001_FFFF
localparam logic [15:0] MSIP_BASE = 16'h0;
localparam logic [15:0] MTIMECMP_BASE = 16'h4000;
localparam logic [15:0] MTIME_BASE = 16'hbff8;
So, the base address 0x40010000 and the first MTIME at 0xbff8 would give us a
timer at 0x4001bff8.
Here it is:
=> md 0x4001bff8 1
4001bff8: 006e65b8 .en.
=> md 0x4001bff8 1
4001bff8: 006e9a26 &.n.
=> md 0x4001bff8 1
4001bff8: 006ebae1 ..n.
=> md 0x4001bff8 1
4001bff8: 006eda45 E.n.
=> md 0x4001bff8 1
4001bff8: 006ef9d4 ..n.
=> md 0x4001bff8 1
4001bff8: 006f1abb ..o.
Now, the MTIMECMP should be at 0x40014000, which should be 0.
=> md 0x40014000 1
40014000: 00000000 ....
Now, I suspect the MSIP is not used, so it should be 0 at 0x40010000 too:
=> md 0x40010000 1
40010000: 00000000 ....
Just for testing, let's see if I can make the timer cause any change in the MSIP
register by setting the MTIMECMP to a value:
=> mw 0x40014000 0x01700000 # Write the MTIMECMP
=> md 0x40014000 1
40014000: 01700000 ..p.
=> md 0x4001bff8 1
4001bff8: 016da81a ..m.
=> md 0x40010000 1
40010000: 00000000 ....
=> md 0x4001bff8 1
4001bff8: 016f947c |.o.
=> md 0x4001bff8 1
4001bff8: 016fff96 ..o.
=> md 0x4001bff8 1
4001bff8: 01704367 gCp. # Now we passed it
=> md 0x40010000 1
40010000: 00000000 .... # But MSIP is still 0
As expected, nothing happens. We cannot monitor the interrupt line from the
timer itself.
Now, let see if we can inspect the state of the PLIC.
From the `plic_interface` I can see where are the memory addresses of the
registers exposed.
The PLIC is mapped here:
//Size: 4MB
`define PLIC_XBAR_ID 5
`define PLIC_BASE_ADDR 64'h0000_0000_4080_0000
`define PLIC_END_ADDR 64'h0000_0000_40BF_FFFF
There are several ways in which the interrupts are not forwarded to the
destination, and several destinations. The PLIC specification is a good resource
to understand it:
This is important:
> The interrupt gateways are responsible for converting global interrupt signals
> into a common interrupt request format, and for controlling the flow of
> interrupt requests to the PLIC core. At most one interrupt request per
> interrupt source can be pending in the PLIC core at any time, indicated by
> setting the sources IP bit. The gateway only forwards a new interrupt request
> to the PLIC core after receiving notification that the interrupt handler
> servicing the previous interrupt request from the same source has completed.
So, there cannot be any pending interrupt, otherwise no more interrupts will be
sent to the core.
Assuming the PLIC uses the standard memory layout, we should find:
base + 0x000000: Reserved (interrupt source 0 does not exist)
base + 0x000004: Interrupt source 1 priority
base + 0x000008: Interrupt source 2 priority
Which they should begin at 0x40800000.
=> md 0x40800000 8
40800000: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
40800010: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
All the priorities are set to 0.
Let's see the pending interrupts:
base + 0x000FFC: Interrupt source 1023 priority
base + 0x001000: Interrupt Pending bit 0-31
base + 0x00107C: Interrupt Pending bit 992-1023
They should be at 0x40801000:
=> md 0x40801000 8
40801000: 00000010 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
40801010: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
Whoa, look at that.
0x00000010 = 10000
| |
| int 0 (reserved)
int 4 = timer
We got the interrupt 4 pending in context 0!
Other context don't seem to see anything:
=> md 0x40801080 1
40801080: 00000000 ....
=> md 0x40801100 1
40801100: 00000000 ....
=> md 0x40801180 1
40801180: 00000000 ....
=> md 0x40801200 1
40801200: 00000000 ....
=> md 0x40801280 1
40801280: 00000000 ....
=> md 0x40801300 1
40801300: 00000000 ....
=> md 0x40801380 1
40801380: 00000000 ....
So, as the priority is 0, this means it is ignored:
> If PLIC supports Interrupt Priorities, then each PLIC interrupt source can be
> assigned a priority by writing to its 32-bit memory-mapped priority register.
> A priority value of 0 is reserved to mean "never interrupt" and effectively
> disables the interrupt. Priority 1 is the lowest active priority while the
> maximum level of priority depends on PLIC implementation. Ties between global
> interrupts of the same priority are broken by the Interrupt ID; interrupts
> with the lowest ID have the highest effective priority.
Let's claim the interrupt, by just performing a read from 0x40a00004:
=> md 0x40801000 1
40801000: 00000010 ....
=> md 0x40a00004 1
40a00004: 00000000 ....
=> md 0x40801000 1
40801000: 00000010 ....
So, it continues to be pending.
We have to write the completed interrupt, by writing the number 4 to the same
=> mw 0x40a00004 4
=> md 0x40801000 1
40801000: 00000010 ....
Still not cleared.
Let's try making the MTIMECMP value much higher than MTIME:
=> md 0x40014000 1
40014000: 01700000 ..p.
=> md 0x4001bff8 1
4001bff8: 03a4584b KX..
=> mw 0x40014000 0xaaaaaaaa
=> md 0x40014000 1
40014000: aaaaaaaa ....
=> md 0x4001bff8 1
4001bff8: 03abc84d M...
So... the ID that must be written to the completion register is not the
interrupt number, but the value read from the claim register, which is 0.
=> mw 0x40a00004 0
=> md 0x40801000 1
40801000: 00000010 ....
Still, nothing.
All interrupts are disabled:
=> md 0x40802000 4
40802000: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
Let's try enabling the interrupt 4, by writting:
=> mw 0x40802000 0x10
=> md 0x40802000 1
40802000: 00000010 ....
=> md 0x40801000 1
40801000: 00000010 ....
Now, let's set the priority to something else than 0.
First, lets make sure that the context 0 threshold priority is set to 0, so we
allow all interrupts:
0x200000: Priority threshold for context 0
=> md 0x40a00000 1
40a00000: 00000007 ....
Oh, so we are only receiving interrupts with priority 7 or higher. But our
interrupt has priority 0!
=> md 0x40800004 1
40800004: 00000000 ....
Let's make the threshold 0 and our interrupt have priority 1.
=> mw 0x40a00000 0
=> mw 0x40800004 1
=> md 0x40800004 1
40800004: 00000001 ....
=> md 0x40a00000
40a00000: 00000000 ....
Not let's see again the interrupt state:
=> md 0x40801000 1
40801000: 00000010 ....
Still on.
Let's read the claim register again.
=> md 0x40a00004
40a00004: 00000000 ....
Still 0, let's try to complete it:
=> mw 0x40a00004 0
=> md 0x40801000 1
40801000: 00000010 ....
Nope, still pending.
What, what the hell. The threshold value has changed to 1:
=> md 0x40800004 1
40800004: 00000001 ....
=> md 0x40a00000 1
40a00000: 00000001 .... <-- this was 0
Let's configure the interruption priority to something bigger than 1.
Wait, I put the priority in the wrong source:
0x000000: Reserved (interrupt source 0 does not exist)
0x000004: Interrupt source 1 priority
0x000008: Interrupt source 2 priority
Our timer should be the source 4, so 12 or 0xc:
=> md 0x4080000c 1
4080000c: 00000000 ....
(This is wrong, should be 0x40800010, see below)
Let's make it have priority 0xd:
=> mw 0x4080000c 0xd
=> md 0x4080000c 1
4080000c: 0000000d ....
Something weird is going on with the priority register?
=> md 0x40a00000 1
40a00000: 00000000 ....
=> md 0x40a00000 1
40a00000: 0000000d ....
=> md 0x40a00000 1
40a00000: 0000000d ....
=> md 0x40a00000 1
40a00000: 0000000d ....
=> md 0x40a00000 1
40a00000: 0000000d ....
Let's see the claim register, which should be in the next word:
=> md 0x40a00004 1
40a00004: 00000004 ....
Yes! Now I can see the claim register with a proper ID. Let's complete this
interrupt by writing the 4 back to that register:
=> mw 0x40a00004 4
=> md 0x40801000 1
40801000: 00000000 ....
Perfect! It properly caused the pending interrupt to disappear.
Let's try now setting the MTIMECMP to something smaller than the MTIME, so it
causes an interrupt. With a value 0 should always work, but lets choose a non
zero value:
=> md 0x40014000
40014000: aaaaaaaa ....
=> mw 0x40014000 00aaaaaa
=> md 0x40014000
40014000: 00aaaaaa ....
=> md 0x4001bff8
4001bff8: 06211a0c ..!.
=> md 0x40801000 1
40801000: 00000010 ....
Perfect! It causes the interrupt to appear as pending.
So, using the context 0, we can properly see the interrupt pending, claim it and
complete it. But the context 0 is not used in OpenSBI, only the 9 and 11:
From `include/sbi/riscv_encoding.h`:
#define IRQ_S_SOFT 1
#define IRQ_VS_SOFT 2
#define IRQ_M_SOFT 3
#define IRQ_S_TIMER 5
#define IRQ_VS_TIMER 6
#define IRQ_M_TIMER 7
#define IRQ_S_EXT 9
#define IRQ_VS_EXT 10
#define IRQ_M_EXT 11
#define IRQ_S_GEXT 12
#define IRQ_PMU_OVF 13
And from `lib/utils/irqchip/fdt_irqchip_plic.c`:
static int irqchip_plic_update_hartid_table(void *fdt, int nodeoff,
struct plic_data *pd)
const fdt32_t *val;
u32 phandle, hwirq, hartid;
struct sbi_scratch *scratch;
int i, err, count, cpu_offset, cpu_intc_offset;
val = fdt_getprop(fdt, nodeoff, "interrupts-extended", &count);
if (!val || count < sizeof(fdt32_t))
return SBI_EINVAL;
count = count / sizeof(fdt32_t);
for (i = 0; i < count; i += 2) {
phandle = fdt32_to_cpu(val[i]);
hwirq = fdt32_to_cpu(val[i + 1]);
cpu_intc_offset = fdt_node_offset_by_phandle(fdt, phandle);
if (cpu_intc_offset < 0)
cpu_offset = fdt_parent_offset(fdt, cpu_intc_offset);
if (cpu_offset < 0)
err = fdt_parse_hart_id(fdt, cpu_offset, &hartid);
if (err)
scratch = sbi_hartid_to_scratch(hartid);
if (!scratch)
plic_set_hart_data_ptr(scratch, pd);
switch (hwirq) {
case IRQ_M_EXT:
plic_set_hart_mcontext(scratch, i / 2);
case IRQ_S_EXT:
plic_set_hart_scontext(scratch, i / 2);
return 0;
So, lets try to do the same, but with the context 11 for machine mode
Let's compute the address of the input source for context 11:
base + 0x002000: Enable bits for sources 0-31 on context 0
base + 0x002004: Enable bits for sources 32-63 on context 0
base + 0x00207C: Enable bits for sources 992-1023 on context 0
base + 0x002080: Enable bits for sources 0-31 on context 1
base + 0x002084: Enable bits for sources 32-63 on context 1
base + 0x0020FC: Enable bits for sources 992-1023 on context 1
base + 0x002100: Enable bits for sources 0-31 on context 2
base + 0x002104: Enable bits for sources 32-63 on context 2
base + 0x00217C: Enable bits for sources 992-1023 on context 2
base + 0x1F1F80: Enable bits for sources 0-31 on context 15871
base + 0x1F1F84: Enable bits for sources 32-63 on context 15871
base + 0x1F1FFC: Enable bits for sources 992-1023 on context 15871
It should be:
>>> hex(0x40800000 + 0x2000 + (11 * 0x80))
They are all disabled:
=> md 0x40802580
40802580: 00000000 ....
So, let's enable the source 4 by writing 0x10
=> mw 0x40802580 0x10
=> md 0x40801000 1
40801000: 00000010 ....
Now, let's check the context 11 priority threshold:
0x200000: Priority threshold for context 0
0x201000: Priority threshold for context 1
0x202000: Priority threshold for context 2
0x203000: Priority threshold for context 3
The priority threshold for context 11 should be at:
>>> hex(0x40800000 + 0x200000 + (11 * 0x1000))
=> md 0x40a0b000
40a0b000: 00000000 ....
It has value 0, so all interrupts with non-zero priority should pass:
> For example, a threshold value of zero permits all interrupts with non-zero
> priority.
Let's see the priority of source 4 in context 11:
0x000000: Reserved (interrupt source 0 does not exist)
0x000004: Interrupt source 1 priority
0x000008: Interrupt source 2 priority
0x000FFC: Interrupt source 1023 priority
The address should be at:
>>> hex(0x40800000 + (4 * 0x4))
=> md 0x40800010
40800010: 00000000 ....
It has priority 0, so it would never work. Let's make it priority 1:
=> mw 0x40800010 1
=> md 0x40800010 1
40800010: 00000001
Let's check the pending interrupts:
=> md 0x40801000 1
40801000: 00000010 ....
It is still pending, so let's clear it my setting the MTIMECMP to a large value.
=> md 0x40014000
40014000: 00aaaaaa ....
=> mw 0x40014000 0xaaaaaaaa
=> md 0x40014000
40014000: aaaaaaaa ....
=> md 0x4001bff8
4001bff8: 0e8e6066 f`..
=> md 0x4001bff8
4001bff8: 0e8ea4c9 ....
=> md 0x4001bff8
4001bff8: 0e8ece24 $...
Now, let's claim and complete it for the context 0 which was already enabled
from the test before.
=> md 0x40a00004 1
40a00004: 00000004 ....
=> mw 0x40a00004 4
=> md 0x40801000 1
40801000: 00000000 ....
Perfect, now it is not pending anymore.
Now, the context 0 is still enabled, so the interruptions may be sent there
instead of context 11. So let's disable the context 0 first.
=> mw 0x40802000 0
=> md 0x40802000 1
40802000: 00000000 ....
Now let's fire the MTIMECMP and see if OpenSBI sees a machine trap.
=> md 0x40014000 1
40014000: aaaaaaaa ....
=> mw 0x40014000 00aaaaaa
=> md 0x40014000 1
40014000: 00aaaaaa ....
Nothing happened.
The interrupt is pending:
=> md 0x40801000 1
40801000: 00000010 ....
The claim on context 0 returns 0, so not interrupt there which is expected:
=> md 0x40a00004 1
40a00004: 00000000 ....
Let's compute the claim register on context 11:
0x200004: Interrupt Claim Process for context 0
0x201004: Interrupt Claim Process for context 1
0x202004: Interrupt Claim Process for context 2
0x203004: Interrupt Claim Process for context 3
>>> hex(0x40800000 + 0x200004 + (11 * 0x1000))
=> md 0x40a0b004 1
40a0b004: 00000000 ....
Hmm, there is no claim ID.
So, I checked again, and I cannot enable the interrupt on context 11:
=> md 0x40802580 1
40802580: 00000000 ....
=> mw 0x40802580 0x10
=> md 0x40802580 1
40802580: 00000000 ....