modules: http_2xx: prober: http timeout: 5s http: follow_redirects: true valid_status_codes: [] # Defaults to 2xx method: GET http_with_proxy: prober: http http: proxy_url: "" skip_resolve_phase_with_proxy: true http_with_proxy_and_headers: prober: http http: proxy_url: "" proxy_connect_header: Proxy-Authorization: - Bearer token http_post_2xx: prober: http timeout: 5s http: method: POST headers: Content-Type: application/json body: '{}' http_post_body_file: prober: http timeout: 5s http: method: POST body_file: "/files/body.txt" http_basic_auth_example: prober: http timeout: 5s http: method: POST headers: Host: "" basic_auth: username: "username" password: "mysecret" http_2xx_oauth_client_credentials: prober: http timeout: 5s http: valid_http_versions: ["HTTP/1.1", "HTTP/2"] follow_redirects: true preferred_ip_protocol: "ip4" valid_status_codes: - 200 - 201 oauth2: client_id: "client_id" client_secret: "client_secret" token_url: "" endpoint_params: grant_type: "client_credentials" http_custom_ca_example: prober: http http: method: GET tls_config: ca_file: "/certs/my_cert.crt" http_gzip: prober: http http: method: GET compression: gzip http_gzip_with_accept_encoding: prober: http http: method: GET compression: gzip headers: Accept-Encoding: gzip tls_connect: prober: tcp timeout: 5s tcp: tls: true tcp_connect_example: prober: tcp timeout: 5s imap_starttls: prober: tcp timeout: 5s tcp: query_response: - expect: "OK.*STARTTLS" - send: ". STARTTLS" - expect: "OK" - starttls: true - send: ". capability" - expect: "CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1" smtp_starttls: prober: tcp timeout: 5s tcp: query_response: - expect: "^220 ([^ ]+) ESMTP (.+)$" - send: "EHLO prober\r" - expect: "^250-STARTTLS" - send: "STARTTLS\r" - expect: "^220" - starttls: true - send: "EHLO prober\r" - expect: "^250-AUTH" - send: "QUIT\r" irc_banner_example: prober: tcp timeout: 5s tcp: query_response: - send: "NICK prober" - send: "USER prober prober prober :prober" - expect: "PING :([^ ]+)" send: "PONG ${1}" - expect: "^:[^ ]+ 001" icmp_example: prober: icmp timeout: 5s icmp: preferred_ip_protocol: "ip4" source_ip_address: "" dns_udp_example: prober: dns timeout: 5s dns: query_name: "" query_type: "A" valid_rcodes: - NOERROR validate_answer_rrs: fail_if_matches_regexp: - ".*" fail_if_all_match_regexp: - ".*" fail_if_not_matches_regexp: - "\t300\tIN\tA\t127.0.0.1" fail_if_none_matches_regexp: - "" validate_authority_rrs: fail_if_matches_regexp: - ".*" validate_additional_rrs: fail_if_matches_regexp: - ".*" dns_soa: prober: dns dns: query_name: "" query_type: "SOA" dns_tcp_example: prober: dns dns: transport_protocol: "tcp" # defaults to "udp" preferred_ip_protocol: "ip4" # defaults to "ip6" query_name: ""