{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }: { age.secrets.ovniToken.file = ../../secrets/ovni-token.age; age.secrets.gitlabToken.file = ../../secrets/gitlab-bsc-es-token.age; age.secrets.nosvToken.file = ../../secrets/nosv-token.age; services.gitlab-runner = { enable = true; settings.concurrent = 5; services = { gitlab-bsc-es-shell = { registrationConfigFile = config.age.secrets.gitlabToken.path; executor = "shell"; tagList = [ "nix" "xeon" ]; registrationFlags = [ # Using space doesn't work, and causes it to misread the next flag "--locked='false'" ]; environmentVariables = { SHELL = "${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash"; }; }; gitlab-bsc-es-docker = { registrationConfigFile = config.age.secrets.gitlabToken.path; dockerImage = "debian:stable"; tagList = [ "docker" "xeon" ]; registrationFlags = [ "--locked='false'" "--docker-network-mode host" ]; environmentVariables = { https_proxy = "http://localhost:23080"; http_proxy = "http://localhost:23080"; }; }; }; }; #systemd.services.gitlab-runner.serviceConfig.Shell = "${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash"; systemd.services.gitlab-runner.serviceConfig.DynamicUser = lib.mkForce false; systemd.services.gitlab-runner.serviceConfig.User = "gitlab-runner"; systemd.services.gitlab-runner.serviceConfig.Group = "gitlab-runner"; systemd.services.gitlab-runner.serviceConfig.ExecStart = lib.mkForce ''${pkgs.gitlab-runner}/bin/gitlab-runner run --config ''${HOME}/.gitlab-runner/config.toml --listen-address "" --working-directory ''${HOME}''; users.users.gitlab-runner = { uid = config.ids.uids.gitlab-runner; #isNormalUser = true; home = "/var/lib/gitlab-runner"; description = "Gitlab Runner"; group = "gitlab-runner"; extraGroups = [ "docker" ]; createHome = true; }; users.groups.gitlab-runner.gid = config.ids.gids.gitlab-runner; }