
115 lines
2.1 KiB

, nbody
, genApp
, genConfigs
# Wrappers
, launchWrapper
, sbatchWrapper
, srunWrapper
, argvWrapper
, controlWrapper
, nixsetupWrapper
, statspyWrapper
, extraeWrapper
, perfWrapper
# Set the configuration for the experiment
config = {
cc = [ bsc.icc ];
blocksize = [ 1024 ];
extraConfig = {
gitBranch = "garlic/mpi+send";
mpi = bsc.impi;
particles = 1024*128;
timesteps = 100;
ntasksPerNode = "48";
nodes = "1";
time = "02:00:00";
qos = "debug";
# Compute the cartesian product of all configurations
allConfigs = genConfigs config;
filteredConfigs = with builtins; filter (c: c.blocksize <= 4096) allConfigs;
configs = map (conf: conf // extraConfig) filteredConfigs;
sbatch = conf: app: with conf; sbatchWrapper {
app = app;
nixPrefix = "/gpfs/projects/bsc15/nix";
exclusive = true;
inherit ntasksPerNode nodes time qos;
srun = app: srunWrapper {
app = app;
nixPrefix = "/gpfs/projects/bsc15/nix";
srunOptions = "--cpu-bind=verbose,rank";
argv = conf: app:
with conf;
argvWrapper {
app = app;
env = ''
set -e
argv = ''(-t ${toString timesteps} -p ${toString particles})'';
statspy = app:
statspyWrapper {
app = app;
extrae = app:
extraeWrapper {
app = app;
traceLib = "mpi";
configFile = ./extrae.xml;
perf = app:
perfWrapper {
app = app;
perfArgs = "sched record -a";
nbodyFn = conf:
with conf;
nbody.override { inherit cc mpi blocksize gitBranch; };
pipeline = conf:
# sbatch conf (
# nixsetupWrapper (
# controlWrapper (
srun (
nixsetupWrapper (
# extrae (
# perf (
argv conf (
nbodyFn conf
# )
# )
# )
# )
# )
# Ideally it should look like this:
#pipeline = sbatch nixsetup control argv nbodyFn;
jobs = map pipeline configs;
launchWrapper jobs