- The file gen.nix now provides an experiment for each unit, to reduce the evaluation time. - The pipeline is specified in the common.nix file only. - The input dataset path is no longer symlinked, but is specified in the "--load" argument. - The size is renamed to "sizePerTask" instead of "n".
73 lines
1.9 KiB
73 lines
1.9 KiB
, stdexp
, bsc
, stages
, callPackage
with stdenv.lib;
rec {
checkInput = {nextStage, conf, ...}: stages.exec {
inherit nextStage;
pre = optionalString (! (conf.enableGen or false)) (
gen = callPackage ./gen.nix { };
inputTre = gen.getInputTre conf;
exp = inputTre.experiment;
unit = elemAt exp.units 0;
expName = baseNameOf (toString exp);
unitName = baseNameOf (toString unit);
inputPath = "$GARLIC_OUT/${expName}/${unitName}/1";
# Force the generation of the input resultTree as a dependency:
# ${toString inputTre.result}
# Ensure the input dataset is still available
export HPCG_INPUT_PATH="${toString inputPath}"
if [ ! -e "$HPCG_INPUT_PATH" ]; then
>&2 echo "Missing input dataset: $HPCG_INPUT_PATH"
exit 1
getSizePerTask = cpusPerTask: sizePerCpu:
mapAttrs (name: val: val * cpusPerTask) sizePerCpu;
exec = {nextStage, conf, ...}: let
actionArg = if (conf.enableGen or false)
then "--store=."
else "--load=\"$HPCG_INPUT_PATH\"";
in stages.exec {
inherit nextStage;
argv = [
"--nx=${toString conf.sizePerTask.x}"
"--ny=${toString conf.sizePerTask.y}"
"--nz=${toString conf.sizePerTask.z}"
"--npx=${toString conf.nprocs.x}"
"--npy=${toString conf.nprocs.y}"
"--npz=${toString conf.nprocs.z}"
"--nblocks=${toString conf.nblocks}"
"--ncomms=${toString conf.ncomms}"
# The input symlink is generated by the input stage, which is generated by
# the genInput function.
] ++ optional (conf.disableAspectRatio or false) "--no-ar=1";
program = {nextStage, conf, ...}: bsc.apps.hpcg.override {
inherit (conf) gitBranch;
pipeline = stdexp.stdPipeline ++ [
exec program ];