--- a/src/wxparaver/src/gtimeline.cpp	2019-09-13 13:18:03.000000000 +0200
+++ b/src/wxparaver/src/gtimeline.cpp	2020-11-30 13:18:50.121429888 +0100
@@ -607,8 +607,8 @@
   // Paint blank image while redrawing
   wxClientDC dc( drawZone );
 #ifdef __WXGTK__
-  dc.DrawBitmap( bufferImage, 0, 0, false );
-  drawZone->Update();
+//  dc.DrawBitmap( bufferImage, 0, 0, false );
+//  drawZone->Update();
   if( !drawAxis( bufferDraw, selectedSet ) )
@@ -1365,13 +1365,66 @@
 void gTimeline::drawRowEvents( wxDC& eventdc, wxDC& eventmaskdc, TObjectOrder rowPos, hash_set< PRV_INT32 >& eventsToDraw )
+    int last_x = -100, x, xx;
+    int i, neigh, max_x;
+    /* Keep track of other events in nearby pixels */
+    max_x = myWindow->getWidth();
+    int *table = new int[max_x];
+    for(i=0; i<max_x; i++)
+    {
+        table[i] = 0;
+    }
   for( hash_set< PRV_INT32 >::iterator it = eventsToDraw.begin(); it != eventsToDraw.end(); ++it )
+    /* Add a new event in the x position in the table */
+      x = *it;
+      assert(0 <= x);
+      assert(x < max_x);
+      table[*it]++;
+  }
+  for( hash_set< PRV_INT32 >::iterator it = eventsToDraw.begin(); it != eventsToDraw.end(); ++it )
+  {
+      /*
+       * Draws an event with 4 segments: AE, BF, CG and DH
+       *         
+       *        A B C D
+       *        * * * *
+       *        * * * *
+       *        * * * *
+       *        * F G H
+       *        *
+       *        *
+       *        E
+       */
+    /* If the event is very close to another one, we paint it red, so we
+     * now that we may need to zoom to see more closely how many events
+     * are there. Otherwise we paint it green. */
+    x = *it;
+    /* Count neighbour events */
+    neigh = 0;
+    for(xx=x-5; xx<=x+5; xx++)
+    {
+        if(0 <= xx && xx < max_x)
+            neigh += table[xx];
+    }
+    /* Paint the event red if there are more events close */
+    if(neigh > 1)
+        eventdc.SetPen( *wxRED_PEN );
+    else
+        eventdc.SetPen( *wxGREEN_PEN );
     eventdc.DrawLine( *it, rowPos - 6, *it, rowPos );
-    eventdc.DrawLine( *it+1, rowPos - 6, *it+1, rowPos-3 );
-    eventdc.DrawLine( *it+2, rowPos - 6, *it+2, rowPos-3 );
-    eventdc.DrawLine( *it+3, rowPos - 6, *it+3, rowPos-3 );
-    eventdc.DrawLine( *it+4, rowPos - 6, *it+4, rowPos-3 );
+//    eventdc.DrawLine( *it+1, rowPos - 6, *it+1, rowPos-3 );
+//    eventdc.DrawLine( *it+2, rowPos - 6, *it+2, rowPos-3 );
+//    eventdc.DrawLine( *it+3, rowPos - 6, *it+3, rowPos-3 );
+//    eventdc.DrawLine( *it+4, rowPos - 6, *it+4, rowPos-3 );
 #ifndef __WXMAC__
     eventmaskdc.DrawLine( *it, rowPos - 6, *it, rowPos );
     eventmaskdc.DrawLine( *it+1, rowPos - 6, *it+1, rowPos-3 );
@@ -1379,8 +1432,12 @@
     eventmaskdc.DrawLine( *it+3, rowPos - 6, *it+3, rowPos-3 );
     eventmaskdc.DrawLine( *it+4, rowPos - 6, *it+4, rowPos-3 );
+    last_x = x;
+  delete table;
@@ -2427,7 +2484,7 @@
   motionEvent = event;
   if( !event.ShiftDown() )
-    timerMotion->Start( 20, true );
+    timerMotion->Start( 2, true );
   wxMemoryDC dc( bufferImage );
   // PRV_UINT32 precision = ParaverConfig::getInstance()->getTimelinePrecision();
@@ -4651,12 +4708,18 @@
 void gTimeline::OnTimerMotion( wxTimerEvent& event )
+  int mx, my;
+  mx = motionEvent.GetX();
+  my = motionEvent.GetY();
   if( motionEvent.GetX() < objectAxisPos + 1 || motionEvent.GetX() > bufferImage.GetWidth() - drawBorder ||
       motionEvent.GetY() < drawBorder || motionEvent.GetY() > timeAxisPos - 1 )
   wxMemoryDC dc( bufferImage );
   wxColour tmpColor;
+  wxClientDC paintDC( drawZone );
   wxString label;
   if( zooming || timing || wxGetApp().GetGlobalTiming() )
@@ -4704,7 +4767,11 @@
     if( tmpColor == backgroundColour )
+    {
+      /* Just clean and exit */
+      paintDC.DrawBitmap( drawImage, 0, 0 );
+    }
     rgb color = { (ParaverColor)tmpColor.Red(), (ParaverColor)tmpColor.Green(), (ParaverColor)tmpColor.Blue() };
     TSemanticValue firstValue, secondValue;
@@ -4762,38 +4829,109 @@
-#ifndef __WXGTK__
-  wxClientDC paintDC( drawZone );
-  #ifdef __WXMAC__
-  drawStackedImages( paintDC );
-  #else
-  paintDC.DrawBitmap( drawImage, 0, 0 );
-  #endif
-  #if wxMAJOR_VERSION<3
-  wxPaintDC paintDC( drawZone );
-  #else
-  wxClientDC paintDC( drawZone );
-  #endif
-  paintDC.DrawBitmap( drawImage, 0, 0 );
   paintDC.SetFont( semanticFont );
+  paintDC.SetPen( backgroundColour );
+  paintDC.SetBrush( backgroundColour );
+  paintDC.SetTextForeground( foregroundColour );
+  /* Draw the label close to the mouse, so it's easier to follow */
+  int label_x0, label_y0;
+  label_x0 = mx + 20;
+  label_y0 = my + 20;
+  paintDC.SetPen( *wxBLACK_PEN );
+  paintDC.SetBrush( *wxBLACK_BRUSH );
+  /* Draw a filled black rectangle behind the label, so is easy to read
+   * when placed over multiple colors from the trace */
+  int rect_x0, rect_y0, rect_w, rect_h;
+  rect_x0 = label_x0 - 5;
+  rect_y0 = label_y0 - 5;
+  TObjectOrder row;
+  TTime time;
+  /* Fills "row" and "time" objects if is over a TimeObject (?) */
+  bool print_duration = true;
+  double tp, tn;
+  /* This whole thing to get the event is completely crap. We may get a
+   * pixel here that belong to a different event, probably due to
+   * rounding operations when dealing with time.
+   *
+   * To avoid giving misleading information, we only print the time when
+   * both neighbour pixels are also from the same event */
+  print_duration &= pixelToTimeObject(mx, my, time, row);
+  print_duration &= pixelToTimeObject(mx-2, my, tp, row);
+  print_duration &= pixelToTimeObject(mx+2, my, tn, row);
+  if(time <= tp) print_duration = false;
+  if(tn <= time) print_duration = false;
+  //computeWhatWhere(time, row, 0.0, false, false);
+  //printf("time = %e\n", time);
+  //printf("begin time = %e\n", myWindow->getBeginTime(row));
+  if(print_duration)
+  {
+    double t0, t1, t, dt;
+    t = time;
+    myWindow->init(t, CREATEEVENTS + CREATECOMMS, false );
+    myWindow->initRow(row, t, CREATEEVENTS + CREATECOMMS, false );
+    t0 = myWindow->getBeginTime(row);
+    t1 = myWindow->getEndTime(row);
+    //printf("t0=%e t=%e t1=%e\n", t0, t, t1);
+    while(!(t0 <= t && t <= t1))
+    {
+      myWindow->calcNext(row);
+      t0 = myWindow->getBeginTime(row);
+      t1 = myWindow->getEndTime(row);
+      //printf("t0=%e t=%e t1=%e\n", t0, t, t1);
+      if(t0 > t)
+      {
+        //printf("we are out\n");
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    /* Only add the duration if we are more than one pixel away from the
+     * border */
+    if(t0 < tp && tn < t1)
+    {
+        if(t0 > t)
+            dt = 0;
+        else
+            dt = t1 - t0;
+        assert(t0 <= time);
+        assert(time <= t1);
+        wxString duration = wxString::FromAscii( LabelConstructor::timeLabel(
+                    myWindow->traceUnitsToWindowUnits( dt ),
+                    myWindow->getTimeUnit(), 
+                    ParaverConfig::getInstance()->getTimelinePrecision() ).c_str() );
+        label << wxT( " (" ) <<  duration << wxT(")");
+    }
+  }
   wxSize objectExt = paintDC.GetTextExtent( label );
+  rect_w = objectExt.GetWidth() + 10;
+  rect_h = objectExt.GetHeight() + 10;
+  /* Erase previous bitmap */
+  paintDC.DrawBitmap( drawImage, 0, 0 );
+  /* Draw black rectangle */
+  paintDC.DrawRectangle( rect_x0, rect_y0, rect_w, rect_h );
+  /* Then place the label */
+  paintDC.DrawText( label, label_x0, label_y0);
   paintDC.SetPen( backgroundColour );
   paintDC.SetBrush( backgroundColour );
-//  paintDC.DrawRectangle( ( bufferImage.GetWidth() - objectAxisPos ) / 2, timeAxisPos + 1, objectExt.GetWidth() + 30, bufferImage.GetHeight() - timeAxisPos );
-  if( !( zooming || timing || wxGetApp().GetGlobalTiming() ) )
-  {
-    paintDC.SetBrush( tmpColor );
-    paintDC.DrawRectangle( ( bufferImage.GetWidth() - objectAxisPos ) / 2, timeAxisPos + 2, 10, bufferImage.GetHeight() - timeAxisPos - 3 );
-  }
-  paintDC.SetTextForeground( foregroundColour );
-  if( zooming )
-    paintDC.DrawText( label, ( bufferImage.GetWidth() - objectAxisPos ) / 2 + objectAxisPos - ( objectExt.GetWidth() / 2 ), timeAxisPos + 3 );
-  else
-    paintDC.DrawText( label, ( bufferImage.GetWidth() - objectAxisPos ) / 2 + 12, timeAxisPos + 3 );
 void gTimeline::OnTimerWheel( wxTimerEvent& event )
@@ -5075,7 +5213,11 @@
   endRow = TObjectOrder( floor( ( y - drawBorder - 1 ) / heightPerRow ) );
   if( endRow >= numObjects )
+  {
     endRow = numObjects - 1;
+    printf("endRow exceeds numObjects, capped to %d\n", endRow);
+  }
+  //printf("endRow = %d\n", endRow);
   onObject = selected[ endRow ];
   return true;