nbody: Fix test experiment

This commit is contained in:
Rodrigo Arias 2020-10-27 10:47:09 +01:00
parent 3bd4e61f3f
commit a66cdb52fb

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@ -14,12 +14,17 @@ let
blocksize = [ 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 ];
machineConfig = targetMachine.config;
# Generate the complete configuration for each unit
genConf = with bsc; c: targetMachine.config // rec {
inherit (machineConfig) hw;
# nbody options
particles = 1024 * 64;
timesteps = 10;
inherit (c) blocksize;
totalTasks = ntasksPerNode * nodes;
particlesPerTask = particles / totalTasks;
cc = icc;
mpi = impi;
gitBranch = "garlic/mpi+send";
@ -33,7 +38,7 @@ let
nodes = 1;
time = "02:00:00";
cpuBind = "sockets,verbose";
jobName = "nbody-bs-${toString blocksize}-${gitBranch}";
jobName = "bs-${toString blocksize}-${gitBranch}-nbody";
# Experiment revision: this allows a user to run again a experiment already
# executed