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+.ND "January 14, 2021"
+.\" .vs 1.5m
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+.DS C
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+Garlic experiments
+.AF "Barcelona Supercomputing Center"
+.AU "Rodrigo Arias Mallo"
+.PF "'''%'"
+.\" Turn off justification
+.SA 0
+.\".PF '''%'
+.NS "Approach 1"
+This was the approach proposed for hybrids PM
+Perform a granularity experiment with a \fIreasonable\fP problem size.
+Take the best blocksize
+Analyze strong and weak scaling with that blocksize.
+Plot speedup and efficiency comparing multiple PM.
+.LE 1
+The main problem is that it may lead to \fBbogus comparisons\fP.
+Additionally, there is no guarantee that the best blocksize is the one
+that performs better with more resources.
+.NS "Approach 2"
+We want to measure scalability of the application \fBonly\fP, not mixed
+with runtime overhead or lack of parallelism.
+We define \fBsaturation\fP as the state of an execution that allows a
+program to potentially use all the resources (the name comes from the
+transistor state, when current flows freely).
+Design a new experiment which tests multiple blocksizes and multiple
+input sizes to find these states: \fBthe saturation experiment\fP.
+Begin with small problems and increase the size, so you get to the
+answer quickly.
+.NS "Saturation experiment"
+\X'pdf: pdfpic sat.png.tk.pdf -R 7c'
+.S -1 -3
+.BL 1m
+The objetive is to find the minimum input size that allows us to get
+meaningful scalability results.
+More precisely, a unit is in \fBsaturation state\fP if the median time
+is below the \fBsaturation time limit\fP, currently set to 110% the minimum
+median time (red dashed lines).
+An input size is in \fBsaturation zone\fP if it allows at least K=3
+consecutive points in the saturation state.
+With less than 512 particles/CPU (green line) we cannot be sure that the
+performance is not impacted by the runtime overhead or lack of
+.S P P
+.NS "Experiment space"
+\X'pdf: pdfpic scaling-region.svg.tk.pdf -L 7c'
+.S -1 -3
+.BL 1m
+\fBSaturation limit\fP: small tasks cannot be solved without overhead
+from the runtime, no matter the blocksize.
+Different limits for OmpSs-2 and OpenMP.
+Experiment A will show the scaling of the app while in the saturation
+Experiment B will show that OpenMP scales bad in the last 2 points.
+Experiment C will show that at some point both OpenMP and OmpSs-2 scale
+.S P P
+.NS "Experiment space: experiment C"
+\X'pdf: pdfpic scalability.svg.tk.pdf -L 7c'
+.BL 1m
+The experiment C will show a difference in performance when approached
+to the saturation limit.
+We could say that OmpSs-2 introduces less overhead, therefore allows
+better scalability.
+.NS "Reproducibility"
+How easy can we get the same results? Three properties R0 < R1 < R2 (no common nomenclature yet!):
+.BL 1m
+R0: \fBSame\fP humans on the \fBsame\fP machine obtain the same result
+R1: \fBDifferent\fP humans on the \fBsame\fP machine obtain the same result
+R2: \fBDifferent\fP humans on a \fBdifferent\fP machine obtain same result
+Garlic provides 2 types of properties: for software and for experimental
+.BL 1m
+Software is R2: you can get the exact same software by any one, in any
+Experimental results are R1: you cannot change the machine MN4 (yet)
+Same experimental result means that the mean of your results is in the confidence
+interval of our results \fBand the relative std is < 1%\fP.
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Binary files /dev/null and b/garlic/doc/slides/sat.png differ
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