2021-02-03 12:08:25 +01:00
2021-02-15 16:20:06 +01:00
set -e
msg() {
>&2 echo "garlicd: $@"
2021-02-25 11:19:45 +01:00
if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then
>&2 echo "usage: garlicd"
2021-02-15 16:20:06 +01:00
exit 1
2021-02-03 12:08:25 +01:00
2021-02-15 16:20:06 +01:00
export PATH="@extraPath@:$PATH"
garlic_sandbox=$(nix show-config |\
grep extra-sandbox-paths |\
2021-02-15 16:32:06 +01:00
grep -o '/garlic=[^ ]*' || true)
2021-02-15 16:20:06 +01:00
if [ -z "$garlic_sandbox" ]; then
msg "Missing extra-sandbox-paths /garlic mountpoint"
msg "Check the ~/.config/nix/nix.conf file"
exit 1
mountdir_rel=$(echo "$garlic_sandbox" | sed 's@^/garlic=@@g')
mountdir=$(readlink -f "$mountdir_rel")
2021-02-03 12:08:25 +01:00
2021-02-24 19:45:47 +01:00
2021-02-03 12:08:25 +01:00
2021-02-24 19:45:47 +01:00
handle_bad_signal() {
msg "cleaning FIFO pipes"
rm -f "$run" "$completed" "$wipe"
exit 1
trap handle_bad_signal SIGINT
for fifo in "$run" "$completed" "$wipe"; do
2021-02-17 10:28:34 +01:00
if [ ! -e "$fifo" ]; then
mkfifo "$fifo"
# FIXME: Use more resctrictive permissions
chmod 666 "$fifo"
2021-02-03 12:08:25 +01:00
2021-02-15 16:20:06 +01:00
while true; do
msg "Waiting for experiments ..."
2021-03-22 18:43:01 +01:00
tre=$(head -1 "$run")
2021-02-15 16:20:06 +01:00
msg "Attempting to run: $tre"
msg "Copying files to MN4..."
# It fails if the user doesn't have nix-store, but is already copied
# with the post build hook
nix copy --to ssh://mn1 $tre || true
msg "Launching the experiment..."
garlic -R "$tre"
msg "Fetching results..."
2021-02-24 19:45:47 +01:00
garlic -FKv "$tre"
2021-02-15 16:20:06 +01:00
2021-02-24 19:45:47 +01:00
echo -n "$tre" >> "$completed"
2021-02-15 16:20:06 +01:00
2021-02-24 19:45:47 +01:00
msg "Waiting for nix to finish the build..."
2021-03-22 18:43:01 +01:00
tre2=$(head -1 "$wipe")
2021-02-24 19:45:47 +01:00
if [ "$tre" != "$tre2" ]; then
msg "error: trebuchet mismatch"
2021-02-15 16:20:06 +01:00
exit 1
2021-02-24 19:45:47 +01:00
msg "Removing temporal files..."
garlic -D "$tre"
echo -n "$tre" >> "$completed"
msg "Execution completed :-)"
2021-02-03 12:08:25 +01:00